Janeli Lilleallik played her previous years in Tartu University but together with Mirjam Nikolai they have changed the team and for this season joined Tallinn University. In the 1st round she averaged 8.6 pts, 3 reb and 2.6 as.
How do you motivate yourself before the games? My motivation before the games is to go on the field and leave there as a winner. It doesn’t always mean I have to win the game, it also means that I gain new experience and learn from different situations.
What kind of rituals you have before the games? Before the games I don’t have any certain rituals. Because I believe if player has rituals and there comes a situation where she can’t do them, then it can influence the preparation for the game. Because she will be upset that she couldn’t do them…so I think it’s better if you don’t have any certain things. Just keep your mind clear from negative thoughts and focus on the upcoming game.
Do you have anything you dislike about basketball? I can’t dislike something I love so much, but there is one thing, which is not game it really doesn’t count, but injuries are the things I think most of the players hate, because they keep you off the court.
In your eyes, what's the difference between men's and women's basketball? This is quite good question because men and women are so different anyways. But i think i need to face the fact that men's basketball is more attractive due to the dunks and other technical factors which are harder to do for women.
Have you done any other sports besides basketball? I’ve been in the track and field practice, but as you can see it didn’t win my heart.
Tell us something about you I am a big sweet tooth and that’s why I love to bake. I like to try different new recipes, bake cakes and sweets. Plus drawing is something i like to do when I need to get away from the everyday routine. Also one of my hobbies is hiking, unfortunately I can’t do this very often, but if I have an opportunity to escape to the nature i’ll use it.
Tell us something unique that a lot of people don't know about you If I tell it, then it wouldn’t be unique anymore, so I’m going to keep this one to myself.
What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? Those who know me have heard that i have a really funny and sounding laugh. So basically if you got me laughing it’s going to be fun. And there have been situations in public where my laugh has attracted people’s attention and get them laughing also.
Do you have anything else you would like to teel your fans? My inspiration has always been the greatest player of all time – Michel Jordan, and I love his quote „Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen“ So find your inspiration and go and make it happen!
You can follow me on Instagram @ja4lilleallik
What would be your favourite breakfast on Sunday morning? My favourite breakfast would be the one I haven’t made myself. Not saying that I am a bad chef…no, I love to cook, but if someone close makes you breakfast on your free day, it would just be great! |
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