Today we get to know a young Latvian player Anna Buša from RSU/Merks who will turn 20 tomorrow (6th of January). In the I round she averaged 8.7 points, 2.8 rebounds and 3.6 assists.
How do you motivate yourself before the games? I try to put all my daily things on the other plan and try to set my mind to the coming up game. I try to go through all the game plans in my head, so I know exactly what to do on the court. Every time I try to be disposed towards the game.
What kind of rituals you have before the games? I don't have no so called pre-game rituals. Usually I eat some chocolate before the game and sometimes I listen to some music I like.
Do you have anything you dislike about basketball? I really don't like running. I think that I'd prefer basketball more if there was a chance not to run, but move slowly thorough court. Also I'd be glad if the personal foul limit was raised from 5 to 8, after you reach 8, then you have to leave the game.
In your eyes, what's the difference between men's and women's basketball? In my opinion men's basketball is faster, more aggressive and athletic than women's basketball.
Tell us something about you After I started to attend Rigas Stradins University my favorite hobby is sleeping. Tell us something unique that a lot of people don't know about you Many people say that I have very long arms which I can perfectly use during basketball game.
What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? I have had many funny moments in my career, that's why it's hard to single out one specific occasion.
Do you have anything else you would like to teel your fans? Don't stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done!
What would be your favourite breakfast on Sunday morning? Cheese cake with blueberries |
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